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发布日期:2021-07-16 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


just! deal! It's July 16th! The national carbon trading market is open! What exactly is it? What is the far-reaching significance?
Just now, the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange issued an announcement that, in accordance with the overall national arrangement, the national carbon emission rights trading will open on July 16 (Friday).
The national carbon emissions trading market is ready
On July 14, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment stated that in the next step, the coverage of the national carbon market industry will be steadily expanded, and trading varieties and trading methods will be enriched.
As of June 2021, the pilot carbon markets in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong, and Shenzhen had a cumulative quota transaction volume of 480 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, with a transaction volume of approximately 11.4 billion yuan.
生态环境部副部长 赵英民:纳入首批碳市场覆盖的这些企业碳排放量超过40亿吨二氧化碳,意味着中国的碳排放权交易市场一经启动,就将成为全球覆盖温室气体排放量规模最大的碳市场。
Zhao Yingmin, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: The carbon emissions of these companies covered by the first batch of carbon markets exceed 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which means that China’s carbon emissions trading market will become the world’s largest carbon covering greenhouse gas emissions once it is launched. market.
The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment introduced that in the pilot, the compliance rate of key emission units remained high, and the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions within the market coverage maintained a double reduction.
生态环境部应对气候变化司司长 李高:全国碳市场建立的情况下,我们不再支持地方新增试点,现有试点可以在现有基础上进一步深化,同时做好向全国碳市场过渡的相关准备工作。
Li Gao, Director of the Department of Climate Change Response of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: With the establishment of a national carbon market, we no longer support new local pilots. The existing pilots can be further deepened on the existing basis, and at the same time, we will make a transition to the national carbon market. Related preparations.
Term explanation: what is the carbon trading market
The carbon trading market is to achieve the goal of controlling the total amount of carbon emissions through the trading of carbon emission rights. In layman's terms, the right to carbon dioxide emissions is sold as a commodity. Companies that need to reduce emissions will get a certain amount of carbon emission allowances. If they succeed in reducing emissions, they can sell excess allowances, while excess emissions need to buy allowances on the carbon market.
To give a simple example, a company’s annual carbon emission allowance is 10,000 tons. If the company reduces its carbon emissions to 8,000 tons through technological transformation, the surplus 2,000 tons can be sold on the carbon market. As other companies need to expand production and the original carbon emission allowances are not enough, they can buy these sold quotas on the market. This not only controls the total amount of carbon emissions, but also encourages companies to reduce emissions by optimizing energy structure and improving energy efficiency.
生态环境部:通过碳价激励企业 引导资金流动
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Encouraging companies through carbon prices to guide capital flows
After the national carbon market is launched this month, price signals will be used to guide the optimal allocation of carbon emission reduction resources, so as to reduce the emission reduction costs of the whole society and guide capital flows.
生态环境部副部长 赵英民:从宏观和长远看,碳价由经济运行和行业发展总体状况和趋势决定。合理的碳价,既可以彰显我国实现碳达峰、碳中和目标愿景的决心和力度,又能够为碳减排企业提供有效的价格激励信号。
Zhao Yingmin, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: From a macro and long-term perspective, the carbon price is determined by the overall status and trends of economic operation and industry development. A reasonable carbon price can not only demonstrate my country's determination and strength to achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, but also provide effective price incentive signals for carbon emission reduction companies.
Zhao Yingmin said that carbon prices are formed through market transactions, and fluctuations are normal, but violent fluctuations, too high or too low are not conducive to the long-term stable operation of the carbon market. Judging from the operation of the 7 local pilots across the country, the weighted average carbon price in the past two years has been around RMB 40. At present, we are considering policies and measures such as improving allowance allocation methods and introducing offset mechanisms to guide market expectations, so as to form a reasonable carbon price.
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Will explore the pledge of carbon emission rights
How financial institutions support "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", the relevant person in charge of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission also put forward the goals for the next stage.
中国银保监会政策研究局负责人 叶燕斐:现在碳排放权市场很快就要开始交易了,碳排放权的价值也开始逐渐显现,所以碳排放权将来作为一个很有效的抵质押品,为银行扩大融资提供重要的质押基础。这个方面是可以探索的。
Ye Yanfei, head of the Policy Research Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Now the carbon emission rights market will soon begin trading, and the value of carbon emission rights has begun to gradually emerge. Therefore, carbon emission rights will be used as a very effective collateral in the future to expand the bank. Financing provides an important pledge basis. This aspect can be explored.
From website:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/
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