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黑客一天内攻击全球上千家公司 拜登也要严阵以待

发布日期:2021-07-05 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


黑客一天内攻击全球上千家公司 拜登也要严阵以待
Hackers attack thousands of companies around the world in a day
The past two years have been a period of frequent hacker attacks on global companies. According to the Beijing Business Daily, Coop, one of Sweden's largest supermarket chains, recently stated that the company had been hacked and had to temporarily close about 800 stores across the country. Before that, hackers had launched a global ransomware attack, attacking more than 1,000 companies, and Coop was just one of them.
This may be the world's largest supply chain hacking incident so far, and IT management software provider Kaseya is also on the attack list. Some cybersecurity experts pointed out that Kaseya's customers belong to large IT service providers, and its customers provide outsourcing IT services to hundreds of companies, so 200 companies have been affected. And the number of affected companies may increase to several thousand. These companies are located in at least 17 countries including the United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa.
In this regard, Biden also had to stand up. On July 3, U.S. President Biden stated that he had ordered intelligence agencies to fully investigate the attack on the VSA software. Biden said it is currently unsure who the attacker is. In addition, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the US Department of Homeland Security announced last week that they are currently cooperating with the FBI to "take action to understand and resolve the recent supply chain ransomware attack on the IT management platform Kaseya."
From website: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/
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