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苦瓜不能随便吃 建议这4类人平时尽量不要凑热闹了

发布日期:2021-07-01 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


苦瓜不能随便吃 建议这4类人平时尽量不要凑热闹了
Bitter melon cannot be eaten casually. It is recommended that these 4 types of people usually try not to join in the fun
Bitter gourd is a very common vegetable in our daily life. It is called bitter gourd because it tastes bitter. The nutrient content in bitter gourd is also relatively rich. You can eat some bitter gourd appropriately in summer. There are certain benefits to our physical health.
Bitter gourd cannot be eaten casually. It is recommended that these 4 types of people try not to join in the fun at ordinary times
1. People with calcium deficiency
Although the nutritional value of bitter gourd is relatively high, don't eat it casually, especially for some people with calcium deficiency, eat as little bitter gourd as possible in daily life.
This is because once we eat bitter gourd, a special element contained in bitter gourd is very easy to react with the calcium in our body to form a precipitate, which will inevitably affect the absorption of calcium in our body. This will also lead to a lack of calcium. Once our body lacks calcium, it is very easy to induce the risk of osteoporosis and other diseases, which is not conducive to the health of our bones. Therefore, for people with calcium deficiency, try not to eat bitter gourd.
2. People with weak spleen and stomach
Eating bitter gourd in the summer can reduce heat to a certain extent, but bitter gourd is a kind of cold food. For people with weak spleen and stomach, it is best to eat as little bitter gourd as possible. If your body has weak spleen and stomach, after eating bitter gourd, there may be spleen and stomach disorders, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other problems.
3. Women in menstrual period
Because bitter gourd is a kind of cold food, it is not suitable for female friends who are in their menstrual period. Under normal circumstances, women in their menstrual period are relatively weak. If bitter gourd is eaten at this time, it is very easy to cause damp and cold air to invade the body, which may cause dysmenorrhea or irregular menstruation. .
4. People with low blood pressure
For people with high blood sugar, eating some bitter gourd can reduce blood sugar to a certain extent, and also can effectively control blood pressure, but for people with low blood pressure, it is best not to eat bitter gourd.
Just because bitter gourd can lower blood pressure to a certain extent, for people with low blood pressure, eating bitter gourd may cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, which will adversely affect health.
From website: https://my-h5news.app.xinhuanet.com/
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