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发布日期:2021-02-22 16:39:13 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


Can ordinary people eat cheap pork this year? The latest response from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Consumers have always been very concerned about the prices of agricultural products, especially the prices of "vegetable baskets", and this is a focus of people's livelihood. Tang Renjian, director of the Central Agriculture Office and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced that since last year, we have taken a number of measures to support the restoration of pig production capacity and stabilize pig production and market supply. According to the original plan, at the end of last year, the live pig inventory should be restored to its normal year, which is 80% of the 2017 level. As of the end of last year, it had recovered to more than 92%, which was 12 percentage points higher than expected. Therefore, recently, especially around the "two festivals", we can feel that at such a price level, there has not been such a substantial increase as in previous periods. The overall momentum of supply and demand in the market is now good.
In the next step, as the newly added live pig production capacity continues to be realized as pork production, the most tight period of pork market supply has passed, and the supply-demand relationship will become more relaxed in the later period. It is expected that the first quarter of this year, around March, will increase by about 40% over the same period last year. By the second quarter, around June, the pig stock can be restored to the level of the normal year in 2017. In the second half of the year, live pig production and pork supply will gradually return to normal annual levels.
Source: Beijing Daily
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