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发布日期:2021-02-03 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


研究发现:狗是女人最好的朋友Research found: Dogs are women’s best friends
参考消息网 2月2日报道 据英国《每日电讯报》网站1月31日报道,尽管“狗是男人最好的朋友”这句谚语曾被国王、诗人和哲学家反复提及,但一项新研究认为,正是女人在数千年前最先创造了狗与人类的联系。
Reference News Network reported on February 2 According to the British "Daily Telegraph" website reported on January 31, although the proverb "Dog is a man's best friend" has been repeatedly mentioned by kings, poets and philosophers, one A new study believes that it was women who first created the connection between dogs and humans thousands of years ago.
According to the report, Washington State University researchers pointed out in the first anthropological study on the relationship between dogs and humans that the relationship between dogs and women "may have a greater impact on the relationship between dogs and humans than the relationship between dogs and men."
Researchers say that men may raise dogs for hunting or herding, but women have named them and have an affection for them like humans do today.
According to the report, although dogs are one of the oldest and most common domesticated animals, few anthropological studies have directly focused on the relationship between humans and dogs.
The report also said that anthropologists at Washington State University have reviewed earlier research papers, which are based on 144 ancient communities around the world. There is evidence that these communities have raised dogs. In the "Human Relations Regional Archives Research Project" database, researchers found thousands of references to dogs from ethnographic archives.
The report noted that in human settlements where dogs and women were first linked, people named them, allowed them to sleep indoors with people, and mourned them when they died.
In addition, this connection makes it easier for dogs to receive training, and because they are used more for hunting, their "use" for humans has also increased.
The lead author of the study and a doctoral student at Washington State University, Jame Chambers, said: “If there is a special relationship between a dog and a woman, then humans are more likely to treat dogs as a class of people.”
She said: "They are more likely to be included in family life and treated as objects of care. Generally speaking, people value them more."
Chambers said: "We found that the relationship between dogs and women may have a greater impact on the relationship between dogs and humans than the relationship between dogs and men." (Compilation / Liu Baiyun)
From website:http://www.cankaoxiaoxi.com/
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