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小年至 年味浓 这些小年的习俗你了解吗?

发布日期:2021-02-04 11:37:33 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


小年至 年味浓 这些小年的习俗你了解吗?
Little New Year is coming. It's quite a spring festival. Do you know these customs of little year?
到底哪天是小年 Which day is Little New Year?
In recent years, the discussion about the day of Little New Year is as hot as the discussion about whether to eat salty or sweet Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. As a matter of fact, different places have different concepts and dates on which day the new year is. In northern China, the Lunar New Year is December 23, and in some southern regions, it is December 24. In Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas, the Lunar New Year's Eve and the night before it are called the Lunar New Year's Eve.
小年习俗 Customs of little new year
习俗一:祭灶王 Custom 1: Offer sacrifices to Kitchen God
Little New Year is a day for people to sacrifice to the kitchen. According to the folklore, "Heaven says good things, and the lower world keeps peace." every year on the 23rd of December, the kitchen god reports the good and evil of his family to the Jade Emperor. Therefore, on New Year's day, people will put some sugar melons and kitchen sweets in front of the kitchen King statue, in order to let the kitchen King say more good things in front of the Jade Emperor.
习俗二:贴窗花 Custom 2: stick window flowers
After December 23, every household began to paste window decorations. In the past, the window decorations were usually cut by themselves. The skillful old man and his grandchildren cut beautiful window decorations and pasted them together. Nowadays, most people are going to buy window decorations, which seems to be a little less joy and new year's taste.
习俗三:贴春联  Custom 3: past Spring Festival couplets
In many places, the Spring Festival couplets have been pasted since the beginning of the new year, which can be regarded as the early spring festival. Compared with traditional families, they are also used to inviting people with good handwriting to write Spring Festival couplets. Generally use the most common red paper black ink, simple but full of flavor.
习俗四:扫尘土 Custom 4: dust sweeping
On little New Year, people have to sweep the dust, which was called "house sweeping" in the north and "dusting" in the south.
This custom can be traced back to more than 3000 years ago, when it was a religious ceremony to drive away the ghosts and pray for health. After the "dust" and "Chen" homonym, sweep dust also means to sweep away the old things, not only refers to the courtyard of the old dirt, but also refers to the old year in the face of unhappiness.
习俗五:婚嫁 Custom 5: Marriage
After the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the Han people believed that the gods had gone to heaven, and there was no taboo. There was no need to choose the right day to marry or hire a daughter-in-law. So until the end of the year, there will be a lot of wedding ceremonies.
习俗六:吃麻糖 Custom 6: eat sesame candy
Sugar gourd, malt sugar, sesame sugar and other foods were originally for the kitchen god to wipe on his mouth, and gradually evolved into snacks that children must eat when they are young. There is a saying in Northwest Shanxi that "on the 23rd day, you can eat sesame candy, but you can't eat sesame candy and chew your fingers.".
习俗七:吃饺子 Custom 7: eat dumplings
The northern Chinese New Year used to eat dumplings in the evening, which means to see off the kitchen god. The whole family sat together and ate hot dumplings. They were very happy and young.
Source: Hebei news network
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