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发布日期:2020-11-30 11:50:54 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


Have you hit the five food myths?
On November 27, Buenos Aires economic news network of Argentina published an article entitled "five dietary myths without scientific basis", which is excerpted as follows:
There are more and more myths about diet, and they are increasingly pointing to our subconscious and desire. Some pseudo science use emotion and "earth gas" to package some popular myths into absolute truth.
The following 5 myths have no scientific basis, but are widely circulated on the Internet:
1. All carbohydrates are fattening because they are converted into fat in the body
Fake. This happens only when we eat more carbohydrates than we can store, and eat more calories than burned calories.
2. Eating fruit after dinner makes people fat
Fake. No matter when you choose to eat fruit, the calorie value brought by fruit is the same, and fruit is beneficial to human health.
3. Diabetics cannot consume carbohydrates
Fake. It is important to learn to choose foods that do not raise blood sugar quickly, and to accompany them with fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and beans.
4. Frozen food will cause all its nutrients to be lost
Fake. Although it does lose some, especially the water-soluble vitamins in fresh food, if the food is properly frozen, its nutrients will not be lost.
5. Cholesterol is harmful to health
Fake. Excessive cholesterol is indeed harmful to health, but in fact, cholesterol is necessary in our body. It is a part of cell membrane and the precursor of hormones and vitamins. Therefore, there is no need to worry about eating an egg a day. Facts have proved that eating an egg a day does not increase blood cholesterol, and it is also a very nutritious food.
From website:http://www.cankaoxiaoxi.com/
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