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发布日期:2020-11-26 10:21:31 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


CCTV defies rumors that food is against food
For a long time, there has been a popular saying that white radish and carrot can't be eaten at the same time, persimmon can't eat seafood at the same time. Recently, CCTV refuted the saying that food is mutually exclusive. What is going on? What is the truth of food mutual restraint?
CCTV refutes the rumor that food is mutually exclusive. What's going on?
Recently, CCTV refuted the saying that "food is mutually exclusive". In nutrition and food safety theory, there is no such statement. It is only alarmist to talk about toxicity regardless of dosage. By food mutual restriction, we mean that every dish has its own unique efficacy, but sometimes when the unsuitable dishes are matched, the efficacy may become the cause of disease.
According to CCTV reports, as early as 1935, Professor Zheng Ji, a Chinese scientist and founder of the Chinese Nutrition Association, selected the 14 most popular food groups among the 184 groups of so-called "inhibition food" widely circulated among the people.
Honey onions, beef, chestnuts, peanuts and cucumbers, as well as crabs and persimmons, were tested on humans and animals. The results showed that both humans and animals are normal.
At the 2018 CCTV 315 gala, CCTV also refuted rumors about food stigma. Scientists used crabs and persimmons as examples to illustrate that the arsenic in the crabs' bodies will not be converted into arsenic in the gastric juice of crabs and tomatoes. Paying too much attention to food restraint will affect the diversity of food intake. The rumors of food restraint are untenable.
Is there a scientific basis for food to restrain?
1. Rumor: eating eggplant and mushrooms together can cause food poisoning
You Chunying said that the main nutrients of mushrooms are protein, vitamins and amino acids, while eggplants are mainly vitamins and minerals. "Eggplant and mushrooms eat together to promote the absorption of protein by the body. The two promote each other. No toxins are produced. Therefore, it is not credible to say that eating mushrooms and eggplants may cause food poisoning.
2. Rumor: Bitter melon and eggs cannot be eaten together. Some people think that bitter melon and eggs are cold things, so they cannot eat the same. In response to this, You Chunying pointed out that traditional medicine believes that bitter gourd can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw food can clear heat and relieve fire, relieve fever and troubles. Cooked food can nourish the liver and benefit the spleen and kidney. Bitter melon is not only bitter and cold. Sex will also decrease. Not only is it harmless to the human body, but it can also increase appetite, replenish qi, replenish blood, and improve purpose. And eggs have many benefits to the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eggs are sweet, calm in nature, and relieve troubles." You Chunying emphasized, "Eating the two together can also achieve the effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying, and increasing appetite. This shows that because bitter gourd is cold in nature, it is not credible to say that it cannot be eaten with eggs. "
3. Rumor: Potatoes and beef cannot be eaten together
It is rumored that potatoes and beef require different concentrations of gastric acid for digestion, which will prolong the residence time of food in the stomach, leading to prolonged digestion and absorption time, which will lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction in the long term.
You Chunying said that beef has higher protein and fat content, and it can increase the taste and appetite when paired with potatoes. "In addition, because the digestion of protein in food is not completely carried out in the stomach, the protein stays in the stomach for a little longer; and the acidic environment in the stomach inhibits the action of amylase, thereby reducing the digestion of starch in potatoes. speed. The slower protein and starch digestion speed means that the food stays in the stomach longer, but this will not cause gastrointestinal disorders, but can reduce blood sugar response, which is good for diabetic and obese people. Therefore, "therefore, the statement that' potatoes and beef cannot be eaten at the same time' is against the common sense of physiology'.
In the end, You Chunying also mentioned that there is no food in nature, but in daily life, people may cause food poisoning due to unclean or improper diet.
From website : https://new.qq.com/
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