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发布日期:2020-11-18 09:15:54 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


高智商的人一般有哪些特点和表现?What are the characteristics and performance of people with high IQ?
After studying the common personality traits of many great men in history, Maslow, an American psychologist, described in more detail the portraits of "self actualizers" (growers). Self actualizers have the following 16 characteristics:
1. Their judgment is beyond ordinary people, and they observe things very thoroughly. They can often correctly predict how things will evolve in the future only based on what is happening now.
2. They can accept themselves, others and their environment. Whether in good times or in adversity, they can live in peace and contentment. Although they don't necessarily like the status quo, they will accept the imperfect reality first (they won't complain why there is only half a glass of water), and then take responsibility to improve the situation.
3.They are simple, natural and without hypocrisy. They have no strong desire for fame and wealth, so they don't wear masks and try to please others. There is a saying: "great people are always simple." I believe that a great man's brain is full of wisdom, but always keep a simple and kind heart.
They have a sense of mission in life, so they often use their energy to solve problems related to people. They are less self-centered and don't care about their own affairs.
5.They enjoy the joy of living alone and living in groups. They like to have time alone to face and enrich themselves.
6. They don't rely on others to meet their security needs. They are like a cup full of happiness. They are often willing to share themselves with others, but they don't need to collect anything from others.
7. They know how to appreciate simple things. They can see heaven from a grain of fine sand. They are like naive and curious children. They can constantly find new fun from the most ordinary life experience and appreciate the beauty of life from the ordinary.
8. Many of them have experienced the religious experience of "unity of man and nature".
9. Although they see that human beings have a lot of ugliness, they are still full of compassion and love of the people. They can see the kind and lovely side of others from the ugliness.
10. They may not have many friends, but their relationship is deeper than ordinary people. They may have many friends who are as light as water. They have never met each other, but they like each other very well.
11.They are more democratic, know how to respect people of different classes, races and backgrounds, treat each other with equality and love.
12. They have the wisdom to distinguish right from wrong, and they don't use absolute dichotomy ("either good or bad" or "black people are lazy") as most people do.
13. They speak philosophically and often have humor without banter.
14. They are simple in mind, like naive children, highly creative. They express their true feelings. They sing when they are happy and cry when they are sad. They are quite different from those who are numb in emotion, like "power", "control" and "joy and anger are not expressed in color".
15. Their clothes, living habits, ways and attitudes towards life seem to be more traditional and conservative. However, they are open-minded and can transcend the shackles of culture and tradition when necessary.
16. They also make some naive mistakes, and when they cling to the truth, goodness and beauty, they will be absent-minded about other trivial matters. For example, Edison was so absorbed in his research that he forgot whether he had eaten. His friends teased him and said that he had eaten. He believed it, patted his belly, and returned to the laboratory to continue working.
From website: https://www.zhihu.com/
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