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发布日期:2018-08-07 18:09:06 | 发布者:译语翻译公司 | 页面功能: 【字体:大 中 小】 |
Start of Autumn & Beginning of Autumn
fall和autumn都有秋天的意思,fall多用于美式英语(the first day of fall),autumn多用于英式英语。
1. 立秋后可能还有一段时间的高温天气。
There may be another period of high temperature after the beginning of autumn.
There may be another period of high temperature after the beginning of autumn.
2. 1987年我毕业于国立秋明大学。
In 1987 I graduated from Tyumen State University.
In 1987 I graduated from Tyumen State University.
3. 立秋,一个普通的节气,一个自然气候由热而凉的转折点。
Beginning of Autumn, an ordinary seasonal dividion point, is the turning point from warm weather to coldness.
Beginning of Autumn, an ordinary seasonal dividion point, is the turning point from warm weather to coldness.
4. 今晚即将上演的山西省话剧院话剧《立秋》,将带着山西省的艺术精品首次走进北大。
Tonight the modern drama "Beginning of Autumn"will be put on PKU Hall by the modern drama troupe of Shanxi Province.
Tonight the modern drama "Beginning of Autumn"will be put on PKU Hall by the modern drama troupe of Shanxi Province.
5. 立秋在灯笼和梅春的婚礼上把卖力挣下的准备赎梅春的钱烧了。
The beginning of autumn in the lanterns and MeiChun wedding under the hard earned money for the MeiChun ready to burn.
The beginning of autumn in the lanterns and MeiChun wedding under the hard earned money for the MeiChun ready to burn.
6. 结果发现,立秋时间的早晚与以后气温的变化没有必然的关系。
The result showed that the early or late beginning time of autumn were not concerned with the variations of subsequent temperature, inevitably.
The result showed that the early or late beginning time of autumn were not concerned with the variations of subsequent temperature, inevitably.
7. 立秋之后天气由热渐凉,初秋由于盛夏余热未消,气温仍然很高。
After the beginning of autumn the weather gradually turned from warm to cold, early autumn due to misjudgment of summer heat, the temperature remains high.
After the beginning of autumn the weather gradually turned from warm to cold, early autumn due to misjudgment of summer heat, the temperature remains high.
8. 最初只有夏至、冬至,随后逐渐增加了春分、秋分及立春、立夏、立秋、立冬。
Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter.
Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter.