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发布日期:2017-04-20 15:32:36 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


斯特兰奇博士(本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇 饰)是一名外科手术医生,他拥有着高超的智商和精湛的技艺,是医院乃至整个医学界的传奇人物。某一日,斯特兰奇博士遭遇了一场可怕的车祸,尽管保住了双手,但这双手伤痕累累不住颤抖,这也就意味着,他再也不能拿起手术刀,站在无影灯下了。斯特兰奇博士的生活就此失去了意义,陷入了绝望之中,他决定远赴尼泊尔,寻找传说中能够治愈他双手的神秘力量。在尼泊尔,风尘仆仆的斯特兰奇博士拜入了神秘的古一法师(蒂尔达•斯文顿 饰)门下,成为了其弟子,与此同时,古一法师曾经的弟子卡西利亚斯(麦斯•米科尔森 饰)亦在虎视眈眈,企图完成他获得永生的大业。
1. Still want to harvest his organs? 还要取他的器官吗?
2. This section is for masters only, but at my discretion, others may use it. 这个区域只对法师开放,不过我同意的话,其他人也可以来看。
3. You cannot beat a river into submission. 抽刀断水水更流。
4. Books on astral projection. 关于灵魂出窍的书。
5. I've got a photographic memory. 我有过目不忘的能力。
6. He feeds off it. 他靠这个活着。
7. Measure your next words very carefully, doctor. 我提醒你注意接下来的措辞,医生。
8. You lack a spine. 是你毫无勇气。
9. The bill comes due. 是时候付出代价了。
10. Because I see, at long last, what's wrong with the world. 因为我终于发现了世界的症结所在。
Dr. Strange: And thank you. Uh, thank you, Ancient One...for... seeing me...
The Ancient One: You're very welcome.
Mordo: The Ancient One.
The Ancient One: Thank you, Master Mordo. Thank you, Master Hamir! Mr. Strange!
Dr. Strange: Doctor, actually.
The Ancient One: Well, no. Not anymore, surely. Isn't that why you're here? You've undergone many procedures. Seven, right?
Dr. Strange: Yeah... It’s good tea.
The Ancient One: Yes.
Dr. Strange: Did you heal a man named Pangborn? A paralyzed man.
The Ancient One: In a way.
Dr. Strange: You helped him to walk again.
The Ancient One: Yes.
Dr. Strange: How do you correct a complete C7-C8 spinal cord injury?
The Ancient One: Oh, I didn't correct it. He couldn't walk; I convinced him that he could.
Dr. Strange: You're not suggesting it was psychosomatic?
The Ancient One: When you reattach a severed nerve, is it you who heals it back together or the body?
Dr. Strange: It's the cells.
The Ancient One: And the cells are only programmed to put themselves back together in very specific ways.
Dr. Strange: Right.
The Ancient One: What if I told you that your own body could be convinced to put itself back together in all sorts of ways?
Dr. Strange: You're talking about cellular regeneration. That's…bleeding-edge medical tech. Is that why you're working here, without a governing medical board? I mean... just how experimental is your treatment?
The Ancient One: Quite.
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